jeudi 27 novembre 2014

In the Name of the Father (1993)

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The In the Name of the Father was the movie in 1993 that's directed by Jim Sheridan.

This Drama movie was released on 25 Feb 1994 in the theater.

The In the Name of the Father movie starred by Daniel Day-Lewis as Gerry Conlon and also Emma Thompson as Gareth Peirce.

In the Name of the Father 1993 Detail

Genre : Drama,
Duration : 133 min
Release Date : 25 Feb 1994
Rating : 8.1
Writer : Gerry Conlon (autobiographical book "Proved Innocent"), Terry George (screenplay), Jim Sheridan (screenplay)
Director : Jim Sheridan
Company : Hell's Kitchen Films
Movie Casts :
Daniel Day-Lewis as Gerry Conlon, Emma Thompson as Gareth Peirce,Pete Postlethwaite as Giuseppe Conlon, John Lynch as Paul Hill, Beatie Edney as Carole Richardson, Mark Sheppard as Paddy Armstrong

The Storyline of In the Name of the Father

A small time thief from Belfast, Gerry Conlon, is falsely implicated in the IRA bombing of a pub that kills several people while he is in London. He and his four friends are coerced by British police into confessing their guilt. Gerry's father and other relatives in London are also implicated in the crime. He spends fifteen years in prison with his father trying to prove his innocence.

A man's coerced confession to an IRA bombing he did not commit results in the imprisonment of his father as well. An English lawyer fights to free them.


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